It is especial people for us. The bride is the girl from mine craft club. Her name is Olga. She started to visit our club 5 years ago. She was very much atheist. When I started to speak about God and His love, she always to feel discomfort and to look down. 2 years ago I have invited Olga to Christian summer camp. She cried each time when she heard the Gospel and singing. When camp has ended Olga accept the Christ as her Lord and Savior. She quickly to grows in Christ. In a year Olga to get acquainted with Slava, his name in russian is Glory :) He is the leader of the big ministry " Choose a life ". They have got married this autumn! We are very happy! The God has save all Olgas life!
четверг, 19 ноября 2009 г.
It is a small pillow and the rabbit for a bed time. I have made it for my girls that they to not feel lonely when mum close the book and have prayed then to leave their one in a room... I have found this wonderful idea here. If you to have small the girl and the boy, I KNOW they will be happy to have such gift!!!!
четверг, 5 ноября 2009 г.
Pursuing Joy in the Joy of the Beloved
And what is the church's ultimate joy? Is it not to be cleansed and sanctified and then presented as a bride to the sovereign, all-glorious Christ? So Christ sought his own joy, yes-but he sought it in the joy of the church! That is what love is: the pursuit of our own joy in the joy of the beloved.
In Ephesians 5:29-30, Paul pushes the hedonism of Christ even further: "No man ever hates his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, as Christ does the church, because we are members of his body." Why does Christ nourish and cherish the church? Because we are members of his own body, and no man ever hates his own body. In other words, the union between Christ and his bride is so close ("one flesh") that any good done to her is a good done to himself. The blatant assertion of this text is that this fact motivates the Lord to nourish, cherish, sanctify and cleanse his bride.
By some definitions this cannot be love. Love, they say, must be free of self-interest-especially Christ-like love, especially Calvary love. I have never seen such a view of love made to square with this passage of Scripture. Yet what Christ does for his bride, this text plainly calls love. "Husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church . . ." Why not let the text define love for us, instead of bringing our definition from ethics or philosophy?
According to this text, love is the pursuit of our joy in the holy joy of the beloved. There is no way to exclude self-interest from love, for self-interest is not the same as selfishness. Selfishness seeks its own private happiness at the expense of others. Love seeks its happiness in the happiness of the beloved. It will even suffer and die for the beloved in order that its joy might be full in the life and purity of the beloved.
This is my autumn quilt. I not do this year much quilt, but I LOVE this quilt, when I find the patterns it the magazine. I change some thing, but to keep idea. Much bright color and different technics: quilting, application... I so like result. I plan apples and pears... We will look, what will be! :)
This is a birthday gift to my dear husband. I like this design with a lot of deers. I stitch the Bible words from book of Psalms: As a deer desiring some water as my soul desiring you, God! "
воскресенье, 23 августа 2009 г.
The wedding wishes album for my friend. She will marryed in following Friday. I have made it for the bride party, that everyone of girlfriend can write a wishes in this album.
Last Saturday I had wonderful a meeting with mine teenagers group. Half from them has left in summer Christian camp, therefore it was very small groups. But we enjoy our time together! The Theme for our meeting was What's In Your Purse? I to take it from a good site which I to use many years for mine women s ministry. We to compare usual things which we to take in our bag about spiritual things in our life. We had very interesting studying of the Bible, craft time and tea! Good Time! We made a little purse card with a Bible words. May God be blessed!
Gift for dear friend. I have made this bear for mine friend Alex who has ministry for women in Siberia. It is a Tilda bear. Alex the wonderful speaker and the leader for this ministry. I thank God for all my true friends! And I enjoy do some thing for them!
The last week we had children's camp in our church. It was weekly camp for children from Sunday school. Our camps theme was " The nations of the world ". We studied histories from the Bible when God saved people from other nations. We also to have time for prayer for the different nations of the world every day. We to use good book " operation the world " for children. Thanks for my friend Milah, who send me the fabric map of the world. This year we to have very rainy and cold summer and to not have a lot of game on street. But we played at our church building and did much craft things. It was very cheerful time. The God used it to learn us many things through our children. We want that a name of our great God could glorify in all nations!!!! Who knows, may be someone from these children will be missionaries and will give message of the Gospel in other nations!
I made a bag for my little princess. It is a Quilt - crosstitch bag. All know, that little girls are - princesses!!! They think so, they belive in it, and YES they are PRINCESSES!!!! Because our Father is God, He is King of Kings! So we-daughters of Great King! O it is a honour!!!