
воскресенье, 23 ноября 2008 г.

My dear friends! I have a prayer need! Polina is so ILL. She has high temperature a fever . Please pray for her that the God has given her health. As that Liliy to not catch this infection and all of us to be healthy.

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Taller de patchwork комментирует...
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Taller de patchwork комментирует...

Kisses for your baby Polyna!!. I hope she is better.

The Gibbon комментирует...

Dear Sister Nika:

May God use the fever to cure and heal Polina. May His strong arms protect Liliy and the rest of your family. May you all bask in His comforting love and soon return to working in His fields. May you continue to be His blessing to those in need.


Your friends at Manhattan United Methodist Church (